What is evidence

The definition of evidence is “something that furnishes proof”(Merriam-Webster). That is something that we have used to proven so many thing in this world. However there are times that we did not have the evidence to prove that something was true, whether God exists, the dinosaur noises in Jurassic Park, or even that aliens exist. That was sometimes the case of the Salem Witch trials, they would try a person who they think was a witch without any real evidence and a lot of the time the people were going off of looks or how the person presented themselves.

In the passage the author Kathryn Schulz talks about without evidence we are just using our beliefs and prier knowledge. In the first quiz she gave us three questions, the first question was about what is being covered up behind this rectangle, the second question talks about “What is a Gavagia?” which is a rabbit, and the third question is about you finishing the sentence. However the next quiz has the same questions but it makes you think about the possible answers.

Through out the rest of the passage she talks about how stereotypes have zero evidence that can correspond with the stereotype. She also talks about how without science we wouldn’t know all the great things that we know today, whether its the planets, disease, or life itself.

At the end of the day we as humans use evidence to back up so many things that we constantly have to know the truth about everything. As we evolved as people we gained knowledge of what is the truth and what could be fake but now we know what is good for us and what is bad. Without evidence we would still be like cavemen wondering instead of thinking.

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