Critical Analysis

If I could be honest for a second I only have ten loves in this world and one of those loves are guns. I don’t care if you’re Republican, Democrat, Communist, or whatever we have to ad might that guns helped make this country. Without guns we would be under Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan control, without guns we would still have slavery, but most importantly without guns we would have never gotten our independence from England. Now that I’ve put my little two cents into this lets start shall we.

Brief Summary:
It is about how many Democrats want the second amendment repealed three days after the Las Vegas shooting and what would it be like if Democrats would actually succeed in doing that. He also talks about if we want to be a country with guns we must figure a way so gun violence can substantially drop.

Rhetorical Situation

Author’s Background: His name is Johnathon S. Tobin and he is a respected conservative writer
Target Audience: Conservatives, Gun owners and red blooded Americans
Context: Published on Oct. 4, 2017 three days after the October 1 shooting in Las Vegas, NV

Argumentative Elements

Main argument: The gun control is pointless but Democrats won’t admit it
Claims: It would make law bidding citizens even harder to purchase a gun, guns would become very expensive due to the black market, and gun control won’t end gun violence
Evidence: The black market, constitutionally protected, Chicago and New York gun laws  

Evidence appeals

Logos/questionable logic: The author does use sound and logical arguments of if this happens or this is what is gonna happen if we do this. All the examples that the author uses are reasonable because you can look at history and it can show that this didn’t work but yet they want it.
Ethos/credibility: It depends how you look at. If you are a conservative you would see this as “yes, exactly that is what would happen if Democrats could repeal the second amendment” but if you are Liberal you could possibly see this as “that is not correct we only want to get rid of guns because they cause way to much damage to our society”. But in my eyes I do believe that this author has the credibility and expertise because if you look at his other articles that he has done he uses facts and not just his opinion.
Pathos/language: I would say is language is passionate about guns but at the same time straight to the point to what he says. He does help you learn from what he has to say but he doesn’t persuade or manipulate you to thinking one way and one way only.
Definitions: He doesn’t really define anything because he is using fact and logic but in his other articles he does define and he does it very well.


Consistency: The author remains consistent throughout his article and each paragraph flows together. The article doesn’t distract through the article.
Arrangement: Yes the arguments in this article does help understand what the topic is and its reasons.

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