They Say, I Say Part 2

Chapter 4: Three Ways to Respond
In chapter four the authors moved from the they say to the I say part of the book. But most importantly they tell us about academic writing which is how to respond will doing that type of writing.
What I learned: To be honest I actually learned this in my senior year of high school and it helped me when we would do essays in class

Chapter 5: And Yet
The chapter talks about how to transition from what other people are talking/writing about to what you are talking/writing about without making people super confused on what just happened.
What I learned: It actually helped me more than I learned from it because sometimes when I write I transition from topic to topic and even I have to stop, read it, and fix it because it made absolutely no sense.

Chapter 6: Skeptics May Object
Chapter 6 is about how people will critizize you and how you as a writer/person can just block it out.
What I learned: this is another review for me because through out my life I’ve been taught how to deal with criticism from people and how to just block them out whether its a person telling me my football team sucks to people judging me just because i love my country.

Chapter 7: “So What? Who Cares”
Chapter seven is about the different ways that you can answer to the questions “so what” and “who cares”. Both so what and who cares get their own separate respected sections in the chapter. The who cares part of the chapter helps you be more open on who or what you are talking about in your essay or just talking to your friend. The so what part of the chapter is about how to answer someone’s question from their best claims.
What I learned: I learned that

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