They Say, They I Part 3

Chapter 8: As a result
In this chapter it talks about how to connect sentences to make them sound much better
What I learned: for some reason I always have trouble connecting my sentence because my hands will move faster than my brain.

Chapter 9: Ain’t so/Is so
In chapter 9 it shows us how to be ourselves and relax with we write and how combining academic writing with personal writing to give that sentence an extra kick to make it really good.
What I learned: I felt like I didn’t learn anything because I was always told to be yourself will you write

Chapter 10: But Don’t Get Me Wrong
Chapter 10 is about what metacommentary is and how to use it as readers/writers
What I learned:I have never heard of metacommentary before reading this chapter

Chapter 11: He Talks About Deplores
In chapter 11 Graff and Birkenstein talk about revision and how it is the most crucial thing you need to do to a paper.
What I learned: I’ve always had trouble with revising my paper because I would sometimes take out stuff I thought was bad but it was actually good or add stuff I thought was good but it was actually bad

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